Den ODIHR hat virun de Walen eng „Assessment Mission“ op Lëtzebuerg geschéckt, déi sech ënner anerem och mat de politesche Parteie gesinn hat.
Hei ass hire Rapport, dee virun allem Informatiounen iwwer eise Walsystem compiléiert:
Interessant ass haaptsächlech dëse Saz:
„In other circumstances, the OSCE/ODIHR NAM would have recommended the deployment of an Election Assessment Mission, considering also that the OSCE/ODIHR has only previously deployed an election-related activity to Luxembourg in context of European Parliament elections. However, taking into consideration the human and financial resources already committed this year, the OSCE/ODIHR is not in a position to undertake such a mission for the 2013 early parliamentary elections. The OSCE/ODIHR, however, stands ready to assistLuxembourg in any future electoral reform, including a possible review of current electoral legislation.“