Haut sinn ech op Texter a Riede gestouss, déi d’EU-Agence fir Fundamental Rechter (FRA) am Kader vun hirem Kampf géint dat wat si „Haasverbrieche“ nennt, publizéiert huet.
En „Haassverbriechen“ ass dobäi zum Beispill sou beschriwwen: „Violence and offences motivated by racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, or by a person’s disability, sexual orientation or gender identity are all examples of hate crime, which harm not only those targeted but also strike at the heart of EU commitments to democracy and the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination.“
Eng „offence“ kann dobäi eppes relativ Harmloses a vollkomme Subjektives sinn: nom Dictionnaire z.B. en“Aergernis“, en „Anstoss“ etc.. D’Fro ass also wat elo Punkto Aschränkung vun der Meenungs- a Riedfräiheet nees op eis duer kënnt.
Enner italienescher Présidence soll lo en Aarbechtsgrupp geschaafe ginn. A senger Ried ( http://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/salonicco_discorso_28_aprile_2014_final.pdf) sot den italieneschen Ambassadeur:
„In conclusion: Italy fully supports the establishment of a working group on hate crime composed by member states‘ authorities and we are very glad to announce that the first formal meeting of the working group will be held in Rome under the auspices of the Italian presidency.
• It is extremely important that an agreement is reached on minimum standards in Europe on combating hate crime.“
Interessant ass och datt dat Europäesch Parlament grad un engem Gesetz schafft, dat sougenannten „homophob“ (wat ass dat genee?) „offences“ (a wat kann dat an dem Zësummenhank wuel bedeiten?) soll kriminaliséieren:
„In addition, Parliament is also debating a bill that would criminalise homophobic and transphobic offences in conformity with Article 19 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and Article 21 of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union.“
Soll da jiddereen, dee géint d’Homo-Bestietnis oder iergend wéini och géint d’Auslännerwahlrecht ass op Schraasseg? Gëtt et geschwënn nëmme nach eng erlaabte Meenung?
Ech hunn definitiv all Dag méi dat Gefill, datt d’EU sech vu Joer zu Joer méi an eng totalitär Richtung bewegt.