Marsch fir d’Liewen zu Bréissel!

De Sonndeg, den 21. Abrël 2013  ass zu Bréissel e Marsch fir d’Liewen.

Hei ass den Opruff, den ech bis elo just an englescher Sprooch gemailt krut. D’Organisateuren hu mech gebieden Member am „Honorary Committee“ vun dem Marsch ze ginn, wat ech gären acceptéiert hunn. Et geng mech natierlech freeën, wann och vill Lëtzebuerger bei dem Marsch gengen matmaachen, den Bierger aus dene 27 Memberstaten vun der Europäescher Unioun zu Bréissel zësummebréngt. De Marsch adresséiert sech ganz besonnesch och un déi jonk Leit déi häerzlech invitéiert sinn fir d’Liewen an d’Famill ze demonstréieren!






Faithful to the Commandments given by God which embody the entire natural law that no human law can legitimately contradict;

Adhering to the non-negotiable principles stated by Benedict XVI regarding the protection and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death, and the protection and honor given to the faithful marriage between a man and a woman and the family built upon it;

Aware that an entirely peaceful and united Europe cannot grow without respecting its weakest members;

Remembering the atrocities committed in our countries by the two great atheistic ideologies of the 20th century: communism and Nazism;

We, citizens of the 27 countries of Europe, ask the European legislators for:

1. the creation of a juridical status that assures the complete and effective protection of the unborn child from conception until natural death;

2. the application of an ambitious support program for women during and after pregnancy, especially in distressful situations;

3. the guarantee of the right for each women to be fully informed about the dramatic consequences an abortion may cause on her psychological and physical health;

4. the development of palliative care to replace the laws that authorize euthanasia;

5. the exclusivity of marriage and adoption for couples composed of one man and one woman;

6. the rejection of “gender ideology” and the LGBT agenda that are in total contradiction with the objective reality of the human person and sexuality.

For the organizing comity of the European March for Life and Family,

Michel De Keukelaere, Antony Burckhardt


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