Viru kuerzem hat ech déi Freed op dësem Blog déi däitsch Nët-Regierungs-Organisatioun (NRO) „Frau 200o plus“ virzestellen. Wéi déi franséisch „Antigones“ ass dëss Organisatioun beispillhaft fir eng Fraenorganisatioun déi net feministesch ass an de Mann och net zum Feind vun der Fra declaréiert. Sou Organisatiounen betounen de Wäert vun der Famill an ënnersträichen déi onersetzlech Roll vun der Mamm fir hir Kanner.
D’Antigones hu viru kuerzem eng „Antenne“ zu Marseille gegrënnt. Felicitatiounen a bonne chance!
Och op europäeschem Plang gëtt et sou Organisatiounen déi virbildlech Aarbecht leeschten an nët midd ginn sech fir d’Familljen an d’Mammen ze engagéieren. Haut stellen ech hei déi NRO „New women for Europe“ vir.
Och hir Charta ass ganz, ganz wäit vun dem Gender-Diskurs wech, den een haut op Schratt an Tratt muss erdroen. Hei däerfe Fraen nach ouni schlecht gewëssen Fraen a Mamme sinn. Et kann een nëmme sou Organisatiounen alles Gutts wënschen an hoffen, datt si all Dag méi staark ginn!
„ NWFE Charter
„New Women for Europe“ is an international, non-profit association that brings together people who are convinced that a harmonious development of society is founded on ethical, moral, and civic values, and that women have a specific and therefore irreplaceable role in the construction of this society. We, the members of New Women for Europe, think that an equitable, free and just society is possible and must be built on:
Humanism which:
- Respects the fundamental rights of all human beings, the dignity, the value and the equality of women and men.
- Strengthens solidarity between men and women permitting each to find his or her own place in society.
A new understanding of women:
- Based on the acceptance of the inherent value of women, which is equal to men’s, yet aware of the differences and complementarities of both sexes.
- Aware that if the identity of each person is understood and valued, everyone is more capable of being coherent with his or her choices and responsibilities.
We confirm that by virtue of their central position in the family, women play a fundamental role in the education and transmission of human values to the next generations. The specific part played by the women in this field should be entirely recognized and valued to enable them to make their contribution in every aspect of social and professional life. That is why New Women for Europe should participate in the construction of a Europe based on an improved understanding of women.“